Another late night writing "sesh" by the pool. Every night these start a little later than the night before. Every day I wake up a little later in the afternoon. Only a brilliant diagnostic or twisted conspiratorial mind would think there is some sort of connection.
I'm back at Dad's house in Arlington because Mom appears to have left. We've known this was coming for a long time, and I know, kind of, that it has nothing to do with me. Even so, even at 25, there's something about hearing that you mother won't be coming home that makes a kid feel abandoned--that makes you want to cook something, and fold the laundry and clean up after yourself and say "Look, mom, I can do stuff now! You don't even have to take care of me!"
Look up: that right there is the pastel blue of pre-sunrise. That sound you hear is the dawn chorus of birdsong. Today I'm going to sleep until 5, do some work, then go shoot some pool with my dad.
Tunes tonight: "Machine Gun" by Jimi Hendrix and the Portisthead record, Portishead.
I'm back at Dad's house in Arlington because Mom appears to have left. We've known this was coming for a long time, and I know, kind of, that it has nothing to do with me. Even so, even at 25, there's something about hearing that you mother won't be coming home that makes a kid feel abandoned--that makes you want to cook something, and fold the laundry and clean up after yourself and say "Look, mom, I can do stuff now! You don't even have to take care of me!"
Look up: that right there is the pastel blue of pre-sunrise. That sound you hear is the dawn chorus of birdsong. Today I'm going to sleep until 5, do some work, then go shoot some pool with my dad.
Tunes tonight: "Machine Gun" by Jimi Hendrix and the Portisthead record, Portishead.
Aw, donny. She still loves you.