Thursday, January 24, 2013


As a few of you know, my partner and I have spent about one week in some degree of petty, but debilitating, illness.

1ST, I seemed to have caught a cold that was not properly girded for battle with my savage immune system. It vanished in barely 30 hours.

NEXT, she caught the same cold (or so we thought!), which took her over completely for several days to follow. Lovely girl, alas, she does not have my constitution.

Or perhaps, I speak too soon, for IN THE MEANTIME, my cold unexpectedly returned, having honed its endurance upon my partner's not-so-distant shores. Overconfident, this cold once again succumbed to the swiftness and brutality of my immuno-response.

BUT THEN, her cold, enraged by the massacre of its kind abroad, transitioned from "annoying cough" to "tortuous sinuses." My partner was most displeased. Her emotional reaction was exaggerated, to humorous effect, by the surprising consequence of a well of internal pressure building within her facial passageways, namely, a rather ongoing secretion of tears.

AT LAST, she made it through the worst of it and returned to work after a 5-day weekend.

THAT IS UNTIL, a series of events still poorly understood led to an experience I should like to, but shall not soon, forget: the worst stomach ache of my entire life, four straight hours of indescribable agony for which she was present and empathetically co-suffering.

And so, with fingers crossed, Thursday marks the first day that our starting team is back on its feet.

Illustration below.


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