Thursday, December 29, 2011


Middle aged women with boxy haircuts and rotund, American bodies discussing second marriages and the adjustments (called 'training periods,' humorlessly) with despairingly less wit and insight than most 19 and 20-year olds I know. It must be hard, I imagine, to be old with no wisdom in the bank.

I can't help but imagine what these women were like at my age. I imagine "silly little girls" who think well-roundedness is just lines on a resume, pop-fiction is high art, oral sex is scandalous and intellectual curiosity is met by a morning radio talk show. They probably believe that they intend to read more books when find the time, and that deep down they are as smart and interesting as anybody.

It is easier to imagine them as people I would never need to know; the alternative is that it could happen to anyone.

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