Saturday, August 25, 2012


Neil Armstrong died a today at the age of 82.When you grow up American, you can’t help but see Armstrong as this near-mythical figure like an apostle, a founding-father or some foreign king. Long before you have a clue what stains are placed on a man’s mind and body in the pursuit of space travel, you are already awed by the accomplishment and by the winner’s aura of the title “First.” As a young writer, I have come to admire him for a different reason: he was a man who chose his words well. Few writers will ever experience the pressure of a single sentence carrying with it the aspirations of his entire species.

“That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.”

It’s so grossly grandiose that it would sound cheesy in any event other than stepping out of a lunar module you manually landed onto the surface of the moon. I would have said something different. I would have said, “holy fucking fuck!” and so would you.

One more, much less known, from the vault of reaaly cool Neil Armstrong quotes that is the internet:

"There are great ideas undiscovered, breakthroughs available to those who can remove one of truth's protective layers," he once said. "There are places to go beyond belief."

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