Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Downloaded and watched Jesus Camp today, a 2006 documentary about the effort of an Evangelical organization to indoctrinate brainwash raise enthusiasm for God as well as familiarity with the contemporary social and p olitical implications of their religion's beliefs as expounded by its current leading voices. To summarize: God is good, gays are gross, science is stoopid, George W. Bush is awesome (no, really), terrorists suck but have the right attitude (no... really), and abortion.

The children, for their part, are equal measures of adorable and sp00ky. The sincerity of a child's faith is a truly singular thing. Seeing those smiles on their faces and exhuberant tears in their eyes gave me a counterintuitive gut reaction that what was going on here is okay, even though my intellect screamed and clawed in horror. The whole film is very moving and challenging and I would recommend it to anyone with a stronger curiosity than gag-reflex.

More to come...

1 comment:

  1. I just saw the trailer for this movie earlier today and found myself a little creeped out.
