Wednesday, June 19, 2013


Lately I have been wishing that I had some kind of accent. I do not wish this purely out of vanity—I do not think that accents are inherently arousing. What would that imply, to say that foreigners or non-native speakers of English have a special monopoly on arousing speech?No. I wish now that I had an accent because I believe in it as a strategy to slow down one's train of thought and that, particularly in excitable states, the difficulty of slogging through pronunciation, the deliberation and careful choosing of simple, essential words and phrasing, could be the only way I could ever hope to express myself clearly.

This leads me to a troubling conclusion: that I must double my efforts to speak a foreign language and then immerse myself in its native culture. English, then, could become my accent and to foreigners in a foreign land, and I could really, really get it done.